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This American Life

New York New York United States 10001


Company Profile

Spring 2025 Fellowship

Job ID: 10061
Job Views: 2054
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Job Category: Array
Employment Type: Array
Salary: 6250 per month
Posted: 2024-08-22 16:14:11

Job Description

This American Life is now accepting applications for the Spring 2025 term of our 6-month production fellowship. 

Our hope with the fellowship is to train people in what we do. The fellows observe and participate in all aspects of the radio show’s weekly production. They transcribe interviews, sit in on group edits where stories are shaped, learn to structure and mix radio stories, pitch stories, participate in the program’s weekly story meetings and yes, perform assorted menial tasks that are the true signs of any apprentice program. Fellows are encouraged to produce their own pieces, including reporting, interviewing, structuring, editing and mixing.

For more information and directions on how to apply - please see our website Applications must be received by October 1st to be considered. 

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