Newsroom Developer, Graphics and Multimedia Editor
Resumes ID: 9805
Resumes Views: 6
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Posted: 05.30.2024
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I'm open to learning more about opportunities in the tech-journalism space. I have the most experience coding custom and interactive web stories alongside reporters and editors on collaborative teams, and would love to learn about jobs that let me do that. I also enjoy writing scripts for scraping and making usable reader-facing tools like trackers and dashboards.
08.01.2013 - 05.01.2017
Wheaton College IL
Political Science
Work Experience:
01.01.2022 - 09.01.2023
Data visualization developer
Houston ChronicleHearst Newspapers |
I created custom interactive stories and news apps React HTMLCSSJS Python ArchieML Blender Mapbox AWS
04.01.2021 - 01.01.2022
Data reporter
Houston Chronicle |
I performed data analysis Python QGIS for my data-driven stories and created custom visualizations Javascript Datawrapper
09.01.2019 - 04.01.2021
Editorial Production Specialist
University of Pittsburgh |
CMS management proofreading editing online production of newsletterproduct
07.01.2018 - 08.01.2019
Assistant Editor for Media and Design
Providence Magazine |
Edited and designed the print edition of Providence Magazine did audio engineering
06.01.2017 - 06.01.2018
Editorial Fellow
USA Today |
Edited stories fact-checked political columns for the opinion section
08.01.2014 - 05.01.2017
Various roles
Wheaton Record college newspaper |
Various roles at the campus newspaper including editor in chief Managed newsroom with 30 staff members with budget of 43000 Led newspaper to win multiple awards in statewide competition Broke national news stories published in NY Times and Washington Post
05.01.2015 - 05.01.2017
Various internships
Chicago Tribune 2015 USA Today 2016 Religion News Service 2017 |
Total Years Experience:
10 years
Programming: Javascript (React), HTML/CSS, Python. Mapbox, scrollytelling, app-building
Dataviz: Flourish, Datawrapper, D3, ReCharts, Nivo, QGIS
Journalism: Data scraping, graphics, editing, data requests, writing