Copy Editor
Resumes ID: 6533
Resumes Views: 4
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Posted: 02.20.2022
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Copy editor looking for a full-time position in Seoul where I can use my four years of experience in the American publishing industry as well as technical English skills, international perspective, and extensive experience with technical, political, and economic writing.
저는 미국 출판계에서 2년 동안 일한 경험을 활용할 수 있는 서울에서 정규직 일자리를 구하는 카피 에디터입니다. 저는 영어 실력, 국제적 시각, 기술적인 글쓰기, 정치적 글쓰기, 경제적 글쓰기 경험이 풍부합니다.
08.25.2017 - 05.25.2020
George Washington University
Total Years Experience:
3 years
- Extensive, holistic knowledge of English grammar and writing conventions, including news writing, policy writing, fiction, and nonfiction
- Experience organizing and analyzing data for think tanks, congressional offices, and publishing agencies
- Fluent in MLA, APA, and Chicago-style citation
- Working proficiency in spoken Korean
- Working proficiency in spoken and written Spanish
- Experience in website design and SNS
Desired Salary:
Blogger, Book Editor, Copy Editor/Copy Desk Chief, Copy Writer, Editor General, Editor-News, Editor-Translation, Editorial Supervisor, Editorial/News Assistant, Publisher, Social Media Manager, Technical Writer, Writer